Causes of Truck Accidents 

Trucking is a vital component of our economy, transporting goods across vast distances to ensure the smooth functioning of various industries. However, they pose a different level of danger on the roads due to the mammoth size and weight of commercial trucks. Our experienced attorneys at Team Green Law understand the factors and the causes of truck accidents each year.

What are the most common causes of truck accidents?

Lack of Training

One of the primary factors of truck accidents is the inadequate training of commercial truck drivers. Operating a massive vehicle requires specialized skills and knowledge. Truck drivers must be proficient in handling their rigs, understanding the nuances of navigation, and responding effectively to unexpected situations on the road. Companies need to prioritize comprehensive training programs to equip drivers with the skills they need to safely operate their vehicles.

Speed and Braking Time; Space Management

The physics of large trucks differ significantly from smaller vehicles. Speed and braking time are crucial factors that truck drivers must consider. Maintaining a safe following distance and managing space around the truck are essential for preventing collisions. A failure to leave enough stopping distance is a shared responsibility. Both truck and passenger car drivers must consider the size and weight of the vehicles on the road, adjusting their following distances accordingly. Speeding or miscalculating braking distances can lead to catastrophic accidents.

Not Paying Attention to Surroundings

Vigilance on the road is paramount for truck drivers. Regularly checking mirrors and staying aware of their surroundings helps drivers anticipate potential hazards and take corrective actions in time. Neglecting this responsibility can result in blind spots going unnoticed and increase the risk of accidents.

Poorly Securing Cargo

Improperly secured cargo poses a serious threat on the road. Shifting or falling cargo can lead to loss of control, rollovers, or collisions. Truck drivers must diligently follow proper loading and securing procedures to ensure the stability of their cargo throughout the journey.

Lack of Maintenance (Wheel/Tires Detaching During Travel)

Regular maintenance is the backbone of safe truck operation. Neglecting routine checks on crucial components such as wheels, tires, and brakes can result in catastrophic failures, like wheels detaching during travel. Companies should enforce strict maintenance schedules and require drivers to report any potential issues promptly.


Both truck and passenger car drivers are susceptible to distractions on the road. From texting while driving to daydreaming, inattentiveness contributes significantly to accidents. All drivers must prioritize staying focused and eliminating distractions.


Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration standards govern the number of hours a truck driver can be on the road before taking a break. Fatigue or sleepiness compromises a driver’s ability to react quickly and make sound decisions. Adhering to these regulations is crucial for the safety of all road users.

Speed/Driving Too Fast for Conditions

Speeding is a common factor in semi-truck accidents involving both trucks and passenger cars. Understanding the limitations of one’s vehicle and adjusting speed according to road and weather conditions is essential for preventing accidents.


Inexperienced drivers, whether in trucks or passenger cars, are more prone to making errors on the road. Employers should ensure proper training and supervision, while drivers themselves must continuously seek to improve their skills.

Not Leaving Enough Stopping Distance

A failure to leave enough stopping distance is a shared responsibility. Both truck and passenger car drivers must consider the size and weight of the vehicles on the road, adjusting their following distances accordingly.

Truck Accident Lawyer Dump Truck

What are the common types of truck accidents?

Accidents can take various forms based on the causes of truck accidents, the unique characteristics of large commercial trucks, and the multitude of factors involved in road transportation.

Here are some common types of truck accidents.

Rear-End Collisions

These accidents occur when a truck collides with the vehicle in front of it. The massive weight and size of trucks can result in severe damage and injuries, especially if the rear-ended vehicle is smaller.

Jackknife Accidents

Jackknifing happens when the trailer of the truck swings outward, forming an L or V shape with the cab. This often occurs when the truck’s wheels lose traction, and it can lead to multi-vehicle collisions.

Underride Accidents

An underride accident occurs when a smaller vehicle slides under the rear or side of a truck. This type of accident can be particularly dangerous, causing severe injuries or fatalities to the occupants of the smaller vehicle.

Head-On Collisions

Head-on collisions involve the front ends of two vehicles colliding. When a truck is involved, these accidents can be catastrophic due to the size and weight of the commercial truck.

Blind Spot Accidents

Trucks have significant blind spots, especially on the sides and rear. Accidents can occur when other vehicles enter these blind spots, and the truck driver is unaware of their presence during lane changes or turns.

Rollover Accidents

Rollover accidents happen when a truck tips onto its side or rolls over completely. Factors such as speeding, sharp turns, or uneven road surfaces can contribute to rollovers.

Wide Turn Accidents

Trucks make wide turns to accommodate their size. However, other drivers may not anticipate the truck’s path, leading to collisions as the truck completes its turn.

Tire Blowouts

A blowout of one of the truck’s tires can result in loss of control, leading to accidents. The debris from a blown-out tire can also pose a danger to other vehicles on the road.

Cargo Spill Accidents

Improperly secured or loaded cargo can shift during transit, causing the truck to lose stability. Cargo spill accidents can lead to hazardous conditions on the road and potential collisions.

T-Bone Accidents

Also known as side-impact collisions, T-bone accidents occur when the front of one vehicle collides with the side of another, forming a “T” shape. Involving a truck, these accidents can result in significant damage and injuries.

Runaway Truck Accidents

In cases where a truck loses its brakes or experiences mechanical failures on a downhill slope, it may become a runaway vehicle, posing a serious threat to other vehicles on the road.

Brake Failure Accidents

Brake failures can lead to an inability to slow down or stop the truck, resulting in accidents. Poor maintenance or manufacturing defects may contribute to brake failures.

Mechanical Failure Accidents

Accidents can occur when critical components of the truck, such as the engine or transmission, fail during transit, leading to a loss of control.

Understanding the various types of truck accidents is essential for promoting road safety and implementing preventative measures to reduce the risk of such incidents. Whether the cause of the truck accident is driver error, mechanical issues, or external factors, addressing the specific challenges posed by trucks on the road is crucial for overall transportation safety.

How can truck accidents be prevented?

Team Green Law understands the causes of truck accidents. Whether you’re a truck driver or a passenger car driver, recognizing and addressing the factors of truck accidents can contribute to a significant reduction in these types of collisions.

Keep a Safe Distance from Trucks

Recognizing the size and weight disparity between passenger cars and trucks is crucial. Maintaining a safe following distance allows both the car and the truck driver ample reaction time in case of sudden stops or emergencies.

Be Mindful of Blind Spots

Understanding the extensive blind spots of commercial semi trucks is vital for passenger car drivers. Staying visible in the truck’s mirrors and avoiding lingering in blind spots can reduce the risk of collisions.

Avoid Merging Immediately in Front of a Truck

Given the longer stopping distances required by trucks, passenger car drivers shouldn’t merge immediately in front of a truck when traffic is slowing or stopping. This practice allows the truck driver sufficient space to react and brake safely.

Understanding the causes of truck accidents is a crucial step toward fostering safer roads for everyone. It’s a collective effort that involves training, vigilance, and a commitment to responsible driving practices from all road users. By prioritizing safety, we can pave the way for a future where the roads are safer for everyone.

Truck Accident Lawyer

What to Do After a Truck Accident

The causes of truck accidents can lead to complex cases, especially if there are several vehicles involved. It is not always easy to determine liability, and often a driver, the truck company, or both may have been acting negligently and could be held accountable for their actions.

With the many potential causes of truck accidents, drivers may feel overwhelmed by seeking compensation. Legal representatives can help figure out the best approaches to truck accident cases and any state or federal laws that impact the case.

Getting a truck accident attorney involved is crucial in various situations to ensure your rights are protected, and you receive fair compensation.

Here are some scenarios when you should hire a truck accident attorney.

Serious Injuries or Fatalities

If you or someone else involved in the truck accident has sustained serious injuries or if the accident resulted in fatalities, it’s essential to consult with a truck accident attorney. These cases often involve complex legal and medical issues, and an attorney can help navigate the complexities of the legal process.

Disputed Liability

When there is a dispute over who is at fault for the accident, it’s crucial to have a skilled attorney on your side. Truck accidents may involve multiple parties, including the truck driver, the trucking company, and other potentially liable entities. An attorney can conduct a thorough investigation to establish liability.

Multiple Parties Involved

If multiple vehicles, including commercial big rig trucks, were involved in the accident, determining liability becomes more complex. A truck accident attorney can help identify all potentially responsible parties and pursue claims against them.

Trucking Company Disputes

If the trucking company or its insurance carrier disputes liability or refuses to provide fair compensation, seeking legal representation is essential. Trucking companies often have legal teams, and having an experienced attorney on your side levels the playing field.

Insurance Issues

Dealing with insurance companies after a truck accident can be challenging. If you encounter difficulties in obtaining a fair settlement, such as delays, denials, or insufficient offers, it’s time to consult with a truck accident attorney who can negotiate on your behalf.

Government Entities Involved

If the accident involved a government-owned truck or occurred on government property, legal procedures and deadlines may be different. A truck accident attorney can guide you through the specific steps necessary when dealing with government entities.

Complex Legal Processes

Truck accidents often involve complex legal procedures and regulations. An attorney with experience in truck accident cases can navigate the intricacies of federal and state laws governing the trucking industry, ensuring that all relevant regulations are considered in your case.

Long-Term or Permanent Injuries

If the injuries sustained in the truck accident are long-term or permanent, it’s crucial to seek legal representation. An attorney can help assess the long-term impact of the injuries on your life and pursue compensation for ongoing medical expenses, rehabilitation, and loss of earning capacity.

Property Damage Disputes

If there are disputes over the property damage valuation or the insurance company refuses to adequately compensate for vehicle repairs or replacement, a truck accident attorney can negotiate on your behalf to ensure fair compensation.

Statute of Limitations Approaching

Each state has a statute of limitations, a time limit within which legal action must be initiated. If the statute of limitations is approaching, it’s crucial to consult with an attorney promptly to ensure that your rights are preserved.

In any of these situations, seeking the guidance of an experienced truck accident attorney can significantly enhance your chances of a successful outcome in your case. It’s important to consult with an attorney as soon as possible after a truck accident to ensure that evidence is preserved, witnesses are interviewed, and legal deadlines are met.

Time to Speak with a Truck Accident Attorney

If you have been in an accident involving a truck and would like to find out if you may be eligible for compensation, or if you are looking for information on possible legal action, contact Team Green Law. We stand prepared to negotiate a resolution on your behalf, ensuring that your interests receive thorough and dedicated representation.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Team Green is a different kind of law firm. We’re not going to make you promises we can’t deliver on. This is our promise to you: ​​we will guide you through the legal process, working with you through straight talk and personal attention, and we’ll work for you with smart, aggressive representation to get the settlement or judgment you deserve. Other lawyers show their case results on their websites, but not only does that imply results they can’t guarantee — it’s against the Indiana Rules of Professional Conduct (Rule 7.1 [2] (2)).  But you should know that the results of one successful case does not tell us what will happen with you. We will work with you to set realistic expectations of the timeline and money that could be recovered for your unique case.